Soufflet Malt

Unleash the power of malt

Création du premier malteur mondial, pionnier et engagé

Soufflet Malt (Malteries Soufflet and United Malt Group Limited) has positioned itself as the world's leading maltster, meeting the most demanding specifications of our customers in each of the countries in which we operate. Through our 41 sites across 5 continents, we have an annual production capacity of 3,700,000 tonnes of malt to meet the demands of our customers, whether they are major brewers, craft brewers, distillers or other industrial players around the world. Thanks to our mastery of agronomy combined with our industrial excellence, we are able to offer a wide range of excellent malts, whether standard or special, kilned or roasted, as part of our ongoing drive to improve the sustainability of our products.

The customer remains at the heart of our concerns, and his satisfaction is our top priority. In order to meet specific needs, our ability to innovate and work closely with our customers enables us to co-construct the specifications of the malts that will meet their challenges.

Logo Soufflet Malt

The power of malt

At Soufflet Malt, we believe that malt is a catalyst.

When crafted with passion and talent, it not only enhances the value of today’s products but also inspires innovation for tomorrow.

At Soufflet Malt, we do more than transform grains into malt: we unleash the power of malt through our passioninnovation and expertise.

champ d'orge sous un ciel bleu avec un soleil

We pioneer sustainable malt solutions

In an industry where decarbonisation, biodiversity and the preservation of water resources are having a massive impact on business, we position ourselves as the benchmark partner in agro-ecological transition, providing solutions to transform the barley malt industry.

To enable our customers to create ever more sustainable beers and whiskies, we offer high quality products with varying characteristics depending on specific farming practices.

We are also able to build exclusive supply chains with our partners, such as the “traceable & responsible barley” supply chain.

Germination de l'orge pour devenir du malt
  • Our CSR ambitions: Pillar 1

The positive impact of our operations

Reducing our footprint and making the most of resources

To confirm our commitment to a sustainable and responsible approach on an international scale, Malteries Soufflet has signed up to the Science Based Targets initiative. An ambitious approach has been devised to meet the most challenging objective of the Paris Agreement, limiting global warming to 1.5°C compared with pre-industrial temperatures. So our action plan is based on two main stages. The first is to halve our carbon emissions by 2030, and then move towards Net Zero Emissions across the entire value chain.

Ambitions for 2030
-50% reduction in carbon emissions in scope 1 and 2*.
-30% reduction in water consumption*.

*compared with 2020.

Orges germés, grains d'orge, eau, germination

The positive impact of our offers

Innovating and developing responsible products and services

Soufflet Malt is constantly innovating to offer quality products and personalised services throughout the world. This commitment takes the form of supplying our production sites with barley that is sustainable, local and has a positive impact, adding value to the farmer's work. With high-performance industrial sites and ever more frugal processes, we offer our customers a range of sustainable malts. We are now in a position to work with them to develop specifications for malts that meet their specific needs.

Ambition 2030
80% sustainable barley in our supplies.

Epis d'orges, champ d'orges, ciel bleu

Responsible stakeholders

Mobilising our ecosystem to stimulate the creation of multiple sustainable values

Soufflet Malt mobilises its entire ecosystem to stimulate the creation of multiple sustainable values. As part of a dynamic approach to continuous improvement, we rely on all our employees to encourage the emergence of innovative ideas. Quality of life at work is at the heart of our challenges, through the implementation of an ambitious safety policy to guarantee the health and safety of our employees, and also to ensure the development of our teams' skills. To create shared sustainable values, we involve all our stakeholders in these initiatives.

Ambition 2030
-A 60% reduction in the workplace accident frequency rate by 2020.

Une femme et deux hommes en EPI avec casques et gilets de sécurité discutent, la femme prend des notes sur un cahier

Our challenges

  • Structuring and developing sustainable malting barley supply chains, from variety selection to malt delivery, in France and abroad.
  • Serving brewers all over the world, from our exported European production or our local production.
  • Strengthening innovation in support of the energy transition and more energy-efficient processes.
  • Becoming the benchmark partner in the Craft beer segment.
  • To be our customers' preferred maltster, thanks to the quality of our service and our ability to collaborate and co-build customised solutions.
Touraillage de l'orge pour devenir du malt

Our strengths

  • A presence in the world's main malting barley basins, close to farmers and brewers, as part of a local, sustainable approach.
  • Recognised agronomic expertise and an international experimentation network to ensure that our malting plants are supplied with high-quality malting barley.
  • Industrial expertise to produce exceptional malts of consistently high quality, while controlling water and energy consumption and guaranteeing the safety of our employees.
  • Logistics know-how to meet our customers' expectations in terms of reliability, flexibility and responsiveness.
Agronome avec une casquette analysant un épi d'orge dans un champ d'orge avec une forêt à l'arrière plan

Find out more about our news and publications

  • Brand
  • Malting

Soufflet Malt, a new brand identity to deploy the strategy of the world’s leading maltster

  • Partnership
  • Malting

Chivas Brothers partners with Bairds Malt and Scotgrain to establish sustainable agriculture programme with Scottish farmers

  • Governance
  • Malting

Jorge Solis, new CEO of Malteries Soufflet, the world's leading maltster

  • Strategy
  • Malting

Bairds Malt announces further expansion plans in inverness

  • Careers

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